Backend dev is best dev

So I see more and more these past months that everything should be done again in the backend. Meaning that there should be no more frontend interactivity. The same that can be said from the frontend. There is this war going on between these two camps.


Rustlang seems to be the culprit since ever since that relative new language came to the scene of programming languages. Nowadays everything is in Rust. Every new project at least and they are using for example yew or maybe leptos. It aims at even rendering HTML tags as some sort of bizarre JSX deal.

So we went from having everything in C for the browser. Code that could be made to fit unto a blackboard but was difficult to be approached by everyone. Slowly but surely more languages came and some were tere to try to make C easier. Like PHP, which is essentially C for the web. Now more and more processing power came to the frontend and the backend has to do more and more since it has a lot of more responsibilities. So as time went on, showing the UI went to the frontend. Then maybe interactivity went to the frontend, then also login, state and pretty much everything you can think of.

Now we are slowly but surely swinging back the other way. Having everything in C, I mean Rust. We are back right where we were 40 years ago.

What a day to be alive.


There exists a new language in town and it is called Carbon which I think is to be a stab at Rust, and at the very least a small attack. It aims to be a better C++ that supports the full stack experience. So naturally Google has to get it's paws in this pie.

It seems very odd to me that people condemn PHP for the silly wrong language it is, but seem to take to this Rust being a full stack environment like it is the next best thing and the way forward into the future. As if it is the best idea ever and why did nobody think of it before today? It is just old wine in new bottles.

#100DaysToOffload #carbon #rust #backend