Explore frozen landscapes

So recently I got back into being excited about Dungeons and Dragons, and maybe running a few sessions or lots even for friends of mine. Then I decided to make a few parties already so that they can choose what sounds the most exciting for them.

The first consists of a trio trying to help a deity resurrect his lover.

These characters below have got all the stats you need to start. They make use of a feature called gestalt characters, which means you merge two first level characters together. The reason for this is to make them slightly more powerful because it is their first time and it is only three of them. If you want to play these, then you either have to play in a 3.5 Edition of Dungeons and Dragons campaign or slightly modify them to be part of 5th Edition.


He was cast out because his magic does not come from the same place as Ulutiu praying as the shaman in the clan has declared. He was a great hunter of the Mammoth Clan. He could stalk quite greatly and the fact he can walk so lightly on the snow and then somehow use the cold itself to deal massive amounts of damage to prey. When the hunting party would fail or be compromised he could obscure the sight for the predator and extract everyone to safety as well as heal them up. In the village itself he would help fix small things throughout the day. He was a valuable member but the shaman decided one day that the magic was not from Ulutiu.

Kalak is on a quest now to the Great Glacier to help Ulutiu and Othea to make it undeniable that his connection to Ulutiu is valid. He learned to speak Giant through some meetings with other clans and the knowledge being there. He learned this to get closer to Othea.

Name: Kalak (only known once friends or intimate relations), hunter of the Mammoth Clan Race: Neanderthal (pg. 36 Frostburn) Class: Monk / Favored Soul (pg. 6 Complete Divine) level 1 (Gestalt pg. 72 Unearthed Arcana) Size: Medium Hp: 11 Initiative: +2 Speed: 30 ft. Armor Class: 15 (10 base, +2 Dex, +3 Wisdom) touch 15 flat-footed 13 Base Attack/Grapple: +0 / +9 Attack: +5 Unarmed Strike 1d6+5 +6 Shortspear 1d6+5 +3 Shortspear 1d6+5 20ft. ranged Full Attack: +3/+3 Unarmed Strike 1d6 + 5 Space/Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft. Languages: Common, Giant. Special Attacks: Flurry of Blows: -2/-2 Spells: 0th level 5/day: Create Water Cure Minor Wounds Detect Poison Mending 1st level 4/day: Ice Gauntlet (pg. 119 Spell Compendium) Obscuring Mist Snowshoes (pg. 194 Spell Compendium) Special Qualities: Climate Tolerant: No fortitude saves in extreme heat or cold. Illiteracy: Cannot read or write. Unarmored AC bonus: +3 Deity: Ulutiu Alignment: LN Saves: Fort: +5 Ref: +2 Will: +5 Abilities: Str: 20 +5 Dex: 14 +2 Con: 16 +3 Int: 8 -1 Wis: 16 +3 Cha: 12 +1 Skills: Heal +7, Hide +4, Listen +5, Knowledge (religion) +1, Profession (hunter) +5, Speak Language (Giant), Spot +5, Survival +5 Feats: Primitive Weapon Mastery: +1 attack with bolas, club, dart, greatclub, goad, harpoon, iuak, javelin, longspear, quarterstaff, ritiik, shortbow, shortspear, sling, spear, sugliin, throwing axe and tigerskull club Monk Weapon Proficiency: club, crossbow (light or heavy), dagger, handaxe, javelin, quarterstaff, and sling Favored Soul Weapon Proficiency: all simple weapons, light and medium armor, shields (except tower shield) Deity Weapon Proficiency: Shortspear Dodge Improved Unarmed Strike Improved Grapple Gear: Fur clothing Shortspear

Progression, take up Clever Wrestling (pg. 97 Complete Warrior), Escape Artist 5 Ranks, Tumble 5 Ranks to move into Reaping Mauler (pg. 76 Complete Warrior) eventually. Should take approx 4 levels, then 5 levels of Reaping Mauler.

Snow Goblin

When scouting farther than was necessary he saw a giant shape in the distance. He spoke in his booming voice the scripture of Ulutiu in Giant thinking that would scare the threat away. The opposite happened and a Neanderthal came into view. (None other than Kalak got into view.) Then they both spoke in Giant about Ulutiu and finally Vrak got his chance to escape his destiny.

Name: Vrak Race: Snow Goblin Class: Scout Size: Small Hp: 11 Initiative: +5 Speed: 30 ft. Climb Speed: 20 ft. Armor Class: 18 (+1 size, +5 dex, +2 leather) touch 16 flat-footed 13 Base Attack/Grapple: +0 / -3 Attack: +2 handaxe (1d4+1 slashing) +5 throwing axe (1d4+1 slashing) Full Attack: +2 handaxe (1d4+1 slashing) +5 throwing axe (1d4+1 slashing) Space/Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft. Languages: Common, Goblin, Giant. Special Attacks:

Special Qualities: Take 10 on Climb even if rushed or threatened Darkvision 60ft. Booming Voice: Snow goblins can be heard over vast distances. Their powerful voice gives them +4 Intimidate. Skirmish: Deals 1d6 damage on all attacks if moved at least 10 ft. Trapfinding: Can use Search skill to find traps with DC higher than 20 and can use Disable Device to bypass traps or disarm magic traps. Combat Reflexes: Can make 6 attack of opportunities per round, also even when flat-footed Deity: Ulutiu Alignment: LN Saves: Fort: +3 Ref: +7 Will: +3 Abilities: Str: 12 +1 Dex: 20 +5 Con: 16 +3 Int: 12 +1 Wis: 16 +3 Cha: 8 -1 Skills: Balance +9, Climb +13, Hide +13, Intimidate +3, Jump +5, Listen +7, Move Silently +13, Spot +7, Survival +7, Tumble +9 Feats: Combat Reflexes Gear: Leather armor, handaxe, 2 throwing axes

Progression: Get Deft Opportunist (pg 106 Complete Adventurer), further just get levels in Scout.

Arctic Dwarf

Einkil found a cache of books one day when exploring. Ever since he wanted to emulate the adventurers he read about. On the day he is leaving for his grand adventure, he comes across Vrak and a hunter of the Mammoth Clan. He joins them on the epic quest to help Ulutiu.

Name: Einkil Ungart Race: Arctic Dwarf Class: Lurk / Swashbuckler Size: Small Hp: 13 Initiative: Speed: 20 ft. Armor Class: 16 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +2 Leather Armor) touch 14 flat-footed 13 Base Attack/Grapple: +1 / -1 Attack: +4 Rapier (1d4 +2 18-20/x2)

Full Attack: +4 Rapier (1d4 +2 18-20/x2)

Space/Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft. Languages: Dwarven, Common, Uluik, Giant, Draconic, Damaran. Special Attacks:

Special Qualities: Lurk Augments 4/day: Additional Sneak Attack +1d6, Unfocusing Strike Will (DC 13) Power Points 2/day (DC 14): Skate (1 PP) Deity: Ulutiu Alignment: LN Saves: Fort: +4 Ref: +5 Will: +3 Abilities: Str: 14 +2 Dex: 16 +3 Con: 16 +3 Int: 16 +3 Wis: 12 +1 Cha: 12 +1 Skills: Balance +7, Bluff +5, Climb +6, Concentration +7, Hide +7, Move Silently +7, Sleight of Hand +7, Tumble +7 Feats: Weapon Finesse Up the Walls (pg 52. Expanded Psionics) Gear: Rapier Leather Armor Progression: ??