Powerful concept: FunctionMap

This idea comes from JavaScript when there were no classes yet as there are now in ES6. You would write something like this:

var greetings = {
 hello: function() { console.info("Hello"); }

This is how functions could be shipped around. So the idea is simple, especially the second one. I started to wonder if we can have a Map of String -> Function in other languages like Java, Python, PHP and more?


We sure can. I was working on a JSON-RPC project where you don't send entity bodies but you send what method to invoke and with what arguments. In the backend we made it so internally a consistent object was shipped around (RPCServiceResult) and we had Enum for the methods that were allowed. So I set up an EnumMap of Enum -> Function. This made it so the entrypoint of each service was the same. See if the method key exists, if so execute the corresponding function with the given input otherwise throw a MethodNotFound error. This meant we could extend the Enum and EnumMap and the Function mapping but never had to change how the services called each other.


In Python I was working on a silly hacking simulation game in the Console. I wanted to have a list of commands and execute the corresponding function that was that command in game terms. At this point I just came from PHP and there it is completely normal to execute the string itself. I will come back to this in a bit. This is more difficult to do in Python and so I came up with a dict where command name was the key and function references were the values. This made it super simple to maintain.


So in PHP this is normal:

function a(){ echo "A"; };
$a = "a";

However it is really difficult to maintain and see what is going on, let alone insecure to do this if the input to $a is user input. The following makes more sense and is easier to maintain.

function a() { echo "A"; };
$commands = ["a" => function() { call_user_func("a"); }];
if ( array_key_exists("a", $commands) ) { $commands["a"](); }

Granted this is a contrived example but I hope it gets the point across.


I was working on the Advent of Code 2020 and one of the puzzles had a lot of validation rules. Immediately the structure came to mind of having a Map of Functions, for each field to validate the corresponding function. This worked like a charm and it is very easy to see what each rule does.


Another example was that in a particular flow there was a need to either create a User of type A or type B and then continue the flow. It was first like the following:

if ( type == "UserA" ) {
    return new UserA();
} else {
    return new UserB();

Now never mind the bug of always returning type B, I suggested the following:

Map<String, Supplier<User>> userSupplier = new HashMap<>(){{ put("UserA", UserA::new); put("UserB", UserB::new); }};

Now you could replace it with one entrypoint:

return userSupplier.getOrDefault(type, UserB::new).get();

You still have the bug, but it became a feature. So we leave it in. The colleague immediately said, this happens in way more places in the code and I can change all of them.

The nice thing again is, we can extend the map to support more types but it does not change the logic of calling the service.


I hope this concept proves useful to you, I find it quite powerful and easy to construct and it gives lots of nice patterns.

#code #javascript #java #python