
So everything can be classified as an Ops of some kind it seems. The Ops part is just a shorthand for Operations and whatever comes before, so is the prefix, will act as an adjective and transform it into that specific type of Operations. Like DevOps is for doing Developer Operations in a sense. It is mainly focused on being a developer but making it so that the automation of deploying and such will be possible. There are a bunch of normal ones like SecOps, InfoOps, BizDevOps and ITOps are all shortened contractions on both sides. They deal with Security, Information, Business Development and general IT department respectively.

The following ones are just a sample of new, old and curious ones.


So the first one is basically the one that used to be the system administrator. The very first all-round maintenance person. It started with configuring and provisioning systems but soon it grew into maintaining security and monitoring running systems. So when the DevOps engineer got started the original system administrator had to be renamed.


Well this is just trying everything that has to do with using a chat program, for example Slack, to do your deployments and management of software development flow. This using commands and bots and webhooks to automate whichever flow you want. An example might be to have a flow for doing PR approvals, creating new branches or moving JIRA tickets.


This is a phenomenon that is when ITOps does not do their job right. You ever worked somewhere where it seemed like nothing moved or if it moved it was molasses like? Remember what you did? No that is assuming, presuming and putting words in your mouth. What sometimes happens in those situations is that a developer or IT guy will write their own code real quick or make tools that will fix whatever the problem is. Now whomever it was that made that will leave at some point but since production already depends on it it cannot be refactored, rewritten or otherwise be made professional so you have to deal with it from then on.

The environment does not change and therefore there are a bunch of tools that are in circulation that did not come from official orders but are the result of people being self serving in a static, live-locked, non Newtonian environment.


This is the worst Ops of them all. All stuff you do manually and have an actual human being performing whatever steps can be considered ManualOps. I would at least try to make everything fall into ShellOps.


Also called ScriptOps or BashOps. It just means there is a script that somewhat does the job automated but requires human input or at least a human executing it.


This is in line with everything needing to be micro services these days. This means there is a job or single step that is not really worth automating, but it has a whole machinery built around it that severely outweighs the original step in complexity.


This relates to everything having to deal with Docker but also using Docker as the vehicle to drive your pipelines. This is becoming more and more common.


Do everything through version control and make the commits of devs deploy automatically to production with no control on who can do what, when, where, why, and how. GitHub becomes your temple, pray to the SourceTree.


So this is the holy grail of it all, everything works and is kept automatically up to date with no human intervention needed at all. You just click or write the last line of code needed for this and then you chef's kiss your monitor and salute everyone goodbye as you get paid to do nothing at all anymore.
