We all know scope creep. The fact that we always build more and more features just to get new stuff in. This excruciatingly painful marketing trend of just wanting to have something that is new otherwise you are stale and stagnant.

I was discussing with a friend today the need for a new service. This service would do two things. One thing it would do is be a gatekeeper of some sort. By this we meant one that will keep futile, nonsense statements off the platform in it's entirety. For example, I am drinking wine or sending a picture of food or anything else of that caliber.

Second more importantly it will be the core service of another well known service. So LinkedIn is mostly for networking and asking experts quickly some questions. Sharing resumes mostly and referring people that are fit for a certain job. That is all the service should be able to do. Handle in CVs and questions.

Facebook should only allow a certain type of post and only allow to share with close friends and family, not the world.

Twitter is meant for short, sharp and insightful comments that you just wanted to share with the world.

There are bound to be other services that had a core feature and are now cluttered with all other things you can do with them.

Introducing to make it go back to the core again.
