
Making code ninjas out of everyone

I will preface this by stating this is just a thought experiment and I am not stating I fully understand the notion of quantum entanglement.


I recently ran into the unsolvable issue that if you ran an npm audit on a React or Angular framework project, it would give back an error because of this CVE. Now the solution was to go to a lower dependency for one of the scripts, but that lower dependency had other high vulnerabilities and so you were in an endless cycle and could not fix it.


I recently skimmed / read this article. It is written by someone who has 25 years of experience in the field and 18 of those at Microsoft and currently operates as a Software Architect. It is not always relevant, but in this case I found it to be so.


I wrote a piece on microservices and nanoservices and how that is not the way to move forward.


Today there was a big outage on GitHub, that happens sometimes. Nothing you can do about that. However therefore CircleCI was also experiencing outages. I imagine more services rely in this way on GitHub, not to mention it is the one central pool of knowledge for what is effectively the modern civilisation.


Speaking of learning the basic tools, I think I learned enough of running docker on multiple platforms that I now have a nice setup that is the perfect Docker image that fits as a very perfect boilerplate template to create all your future images with.


The other day I realised there is no real good way to share the same DTO models between your backend and your frontend even though that is the common code they need. Let us say an endpoint returns a simple representation of a user like a profile. That profile is needed to be displayed in the frontend again as well. Now if you code in full JavaScript you might get away with just accessing the properties or keys as you might just work with the JSON directly. However as things stand now, there is more and more TypeScript and therefore you need to redefine the same DTO in the frontend now before you can use it.


I just skimmed/read this article. It states that PHP is just as good as Rust/C/Java. That the opinion that it is bad is just 10 years out of date.


You cannot really tell from this site, as I chose not to use date timestamps on the articles, but I have not written an article in quite some time. I underwent therapy and dealt with a higher than normal workload for quite some time.


There was a problem on a server we did not control. It was managed by a third party and we only got a service account. Since things were down and I did not have full root access I got a bit annoyed waiting for them to respond back.

I decided to take matters into my own hands.