Quantum Ethics and Questions

I will preface this by stating this is just a thought experiment and I am not stating I fully understand the notion of quantum entanglement.


There exists a phenomenon in Quantum Mechanics that is called entanglement. It is when to particles bond, or join together and when you observe one particle you can state something about the other as well as they cannot occupy the same state.


There exist multiple states for a quantum particle but mostly let us talk about a binary state plus one extra. The binary state is that a quantum particle can either be 1 or 0. The extra state is that it can be both at the same time, this is called the superposition. It means that until the moment you observe it and therefore collapse the superstate into either a 1 or a 0 then it means there is a chance it is both.

Different kinds of entanglement

When two particles get entangled and they both occupy the super state it is uncertain what state either particle is in. What is known though is that they can either be 0 or 1. There are two types of entanglement: both have the same state, they have opposite states.

Both have mirrored state

Let us say if one particle is observed it is a 1. Then the entangled particle is also 1.

Both have opposite state

Let us say if one particle is observed it is a 1. Then the entangled particle is a 0.

The information travels instantaneously in Quantum Mechanics. So one particle here on Earth and another at the other end of the observable universe will instantly be the state they will be based on the type of entanglement and when observed.

Ethics question

The question I had in my thought experiment touches on the ethics of using/creating entangled particles and doing experiments with them. Let us say there exist an infinite number of entangled quantum particles, entangled right after the Big Bang happened. One will be here on Earth and the other will be out somewhere in the universe. When we observe them we also force the state of the entangled particle.

What if other lifeforms are observing and playing with these particles and therefore forcing the state of those here on Earth. What if those quantum particles whose state where set through this process made life on Earth possible?

However the ethics question is, what if our observing of these particles makes something happen out there in the universe in some civilization that we do not know about, should we keep experimenting with them?


Can an entangled particle cross the boundary of our observable universe? The universe at the edge has a region of space that is ever hyper expanding and therefore photons of light will never reach us as the hyper expansion is too “quick”. What if an entangled particle would be separated, one going into our observable universe, the other to this now closed off universe to use. Can they still communicate? What if the observing of these particles upsets that whole universe that might have different laws?

Can we use quantum particles to communicate with other lifeforms? It would be great though if we could harness the power of the instant communication to send data via quantum channels. Then you could send a probe out to wherever and have quantum tunnels send the information back, maybe even to a VR/AR set. Can those entangled particles communicate across the event horizon of black holes?
