Perception of reality

As I stand in a hot grimey late afternoon sun waiting for a delayed train I am suddenly wondering what it is people see when they look at me. What is it that they perceive with their frames of reference.

Is it what I want them to see or not? Is it only a fragment of who I am and if so what fragment and why? Do they see me at all? Maybe I am just insignificant to their filters. What would it matter?

I like to observe these folks around me as we all share now this same journey of waiting for a delayed train in the grimeyness and humidity that will take us further along our respective adventures.

The pidgeons who are pacing up and down, the lovers who stare at their phone, the elderly woman calling the home front, a young back packer, most are from a day at the office, some lost souls sleepwalking their way through life, phone staring individuals who are maybe sharing an intimate digital moment and at least one watcher hoping that all adventures will come to their fruition and not fall dead like the wind currently is making us all suffer equally the beautiful sunny autumn late afternoon.

The delayed train will be even more delayed giving us all a few more moments catching these golden rays that will turn us into bronze and let us consider if the journey through space and time is progressing the way we wish it to be.
