Quantum Hermaphrodite

I will first let you mull on the title for a bit. Come back if you think you got a good idea of what it could mean and where it can be applied.

Welcome back. I am curious as to what it is what you came up.

Quantum states

So in quantum mechanics there exists the concept of quantum states, and this is linked to probability of where a specific particle gets to be. So a quantum state is the full distribution of probability where a particle can be. This is described by the so called Schrödinger equation. This is underselling the equation stating it so matter-of-factly, but it is a big deal this thing.

Naturally you might wonder about the concept of a probability of a particle being somewhere. It is wherever it is right? To quote something:

Where ever you go, there you are.

Now then there must be a trick of some sort. There is, and the trick is observation determines it.

Schrödinger's experiment

For some this will trigger memories of passed away cats, but for others it will do no such thing. I will not invoke the cat for this one, instead I will cuddle the cat as I explain a similar experiment.

There exists a box, a container. Within there is one particle. From the outside you cannot look in and there is only one particle. The particle gets a distribution of probability using the equation mentioned above, this is super shallow explanation but suffice it to say it cannot be everywhere in equal matter.

What we do, is suddenly open the box and see where the particle is. Then close it. Then open it again. The particle will not be in the same place twice, although that is probable, just highly unlikely.

This means before you open the box the particle can be anywhere, except outside of the box.


First briefly explaining this term. It stems from the Greek myth about Hermaphroditus (Hermaphroditos) and it is a boy born with such beautiful looks that someone wishes to be forever with the boy. This certain someone is a Naiad, a nymph, and more importantly female. A god hears this and fuses/merges the two together to create an androgynous form, but in modern times it is meant to represent someone who has both reproductive organs.

Quantum Hermaphrodite

So now it might become clear what this word means. It came about in a discussion with a colleague. It was regarding someone else who would take on the gender only on observation of a male but in all other states would have a probability distribution of being female and male.

We coined this term for people that appear to act in a certain cisgender way when observed directly by other people but when not observed seem to have a certain probability of being other gender identities, not only limited to the male/female kind.

Hope you can use this in the future.
