This means war

So you want to improve the DevOps of your company and want to help standardize everything in your organisation in order to become NoOps, what stands in your way? A war. A war with management. A brutal, long winded, casualty heavy war. There are no easy roads to victory here.

There will be many skirmishes and battles in order to advance towards victory. The sweet tasting victory of having everything automated. The skirmishes will have to be fought with well thought through tactics. A well balanced strategy is of the essence. The skirmishes will consist of quick fire meetings and get-togethers. The goal of every skirmish is to advance slightly, just as in trench warfare. Take an inch where you can and soon you will have covered vast distances.

As with trench warfare, firing off artillery shells will accomplish nothing. No damage will be done and will just be a making the enemy retreat more into their trenches. The only way to advance and take the enemy's trench is to be subtle and crafting.


Choose your squad, choose them wisely. Select only the top men and women for this task. It is vital that you all carry the will to win, but only one at a time. There will have to be a relay element to this. One will hold the baton and lead the charge and once the energy is depleted the next soldier will take up the baton and lead the next charge. You are all in it together. Morale is of the utmost importance. Keep it high and unblemished. No broken window theories here.

Strike true

In order to strike true, one needs to know what the weakness of the enemy is. The weakness is money, cash, dough, green. That dolla dolla bill y'all. So with the squad come up with reasons why there will be added value to whatever task your taskforce wants to execute. Then that can be converted into money and a skirmish might not necessarily be won, but enough of these will result in a successful battle. One battle does not win the war, but a crucial one will definitely provide a turning point and hopefully a cascade into true victory.
