What I think you mean is....

I hate it when people say this. Or even worse, what politicians do. What I think so-and-so means, is this. Then proceed to build a case based on that assumption.

Stop doing this, if you feel attacked by me right now.

Switch trick that cannot be done switch

This only means something to skateboarders. Also they might know who said this. The person who said this, is Rodney Mullen. One of the greatest skaters ever to have graced us with his presence.

Now for most skaters, they will say something like “What does that even mean?” “What are you talking about Rodney?” or other similar thing.

You must know, Rodney Mullen does not just say stuff randomly. Every sentence is meticulously constructed.

What does switch mean? Well in skateboarding you are either regular or goofy footed. Meaning you either skate with left foot or right foot forward respectively. So then switch means the opposite of your default stance.

For me, this means an opportunity to do the following.

What I understand

You get to say, I am not sure I understand but this is what I understand.

For me the sentence above means that some tricks require a mindset other than just thinking in this trick is switch or this is done regular. It is a trick that only exists in the formless state of mind where you do not think about concepts like switch and regular anymore.

Rodney Mullen talks a bit about this, he states your foot does a certain motion to make a kick flip in your default stance. If you make the same movement in switch you will do a switch late flip with the same forward motion. This means the concept of switch and regular is in your head only. If you trust your body to make the motions then you will be more successful.

Relating to tech

How does this relate to tech? Or better yet how can I possible relate this to tech? Well try to isolate the technique itself and apply it wherever you see.

If you think of a traditional REST API you might conjure up the endless routes of all the entities and all the verbs that each do something to that resource. Then comes up the fact that there exists this cool new thing, GraphQL.

However that is nothing more than just a specific implementation of RPC way of making APIs. You have Query and Mutations but they are just invocations of functions that you call from the client. With RPC you do not always have one endpoint but you might as well have.

You could opt for the hybrid where you call functions depending on the HTTP verb for example.
