Decentralised Nirvana

The new Web 3.0 is based on the idea that everything has to be decentralised. This means that each individual holds the data so that no one is in control which makes the information on the whole and also data in general much more resilient. It is not that a body of people will hold bits of information and you need each to reassemble the original package, that would mean it is more fragile as you need more and more entities to participate. Anyone of them drops out for some reason and you have corrupted your data.

However making it so everyone holds the data of everyone else as well means you have limited your total amount of storage considerably. That 1TB has to be shared with everyone else already as well as in addition to new stuff that comes along. Basically you are limiting the storage of every device as if it was holding the information of the world at large. Super redundant but also impractical I feel.

One can segment and choose what to make redundant and what not but what are the criteria? Is that also not a form of censorship and the fact that nobody is truly in control does not mean there is no control or free flow of information.

Old world

You still rely on the old world with this new tech. It has a need for connectivity over old world protocols, all participants need to be online all the time (server rules) and faulty hardware causes severe problems to this model. The fact that you need to rely on the old world in order to run the new world is not a good idea. Tor for instance is kind of limited in this sense too, actually everything is limited in this sense as you have to rely on the Ethernet setup to make sure you can connect to anything else at all. I have an idea for a setup outside of Ethernet that would create a new network, and therefore be another way to connect people together. I will write about that in a future post.


So my vision for a utopian tech future is that there are independent vendors out there that offer the services in a transparent manner. That means payments are occurring with the use of a blockchain data structure so a company cannot fake anything. It is self auditing, this also means it is private in the sense that you cannot see what everyone else is spending except an entity itself.

Next to that is the means that your data is private, on a U2F device paired with your phone for example. That means it is yours, you own it and you use it to be you everywhere else. You want to pay, you use it. You want to get into the office, you use it. You want to get through security in the airport, you use it. It is almost impossible to duplicate and therefore impersonate. It would be necessary to have a way to copy it to other devices to have a backup of course because otherwise when the mechanical part breaks it is game over. Identities should be linked to public-private key pairs where you can do key rollovers. Then it would be easy to be you, without anyone stealing your identity and managing all these accounts everywhere.

The idea that you hold the identifying data that makes you you, is really normal for most software engineers. Think about logging into servers using SSH keys, that is how it would work. You have authorized_keys file everywhere for every service that holds your key. Is your key not in there, access denied. Same goes for public sites, there it would be allowing you on an anonymous basis. No following you around the Internet to sell you stuff. This is not done in my utopia anyway.

#devlife #thoughts