
Making code ninjas out of everyone

There is a law called Amara's Law that states the following:

We tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run.

This ties in with the so called hype cycle. That cycle has five phases starting at inflated expectations through disillusionment arriving on the plateau of productivity. The thing to learn is how to skip all these phases and arrive at the end immediately. I hope I will give you some insight on how to approach this.


I have read many a times a post starting with “I switched from Python to Go and I love it.” It baffled me until now. I have a hypothesis about why this happened and also how Google spreads. It does not spread like a disease and infect, it spreads more like religion and ideas can spread.


This post will touch on two subjects that I already talked about, Amara's Law and creativity thrives in structure. I will reiterate Amara's Law here though:

We tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run.


So in the previous post I showed how to use the pattern of Suppliers and Consumers to structure any kind of input and output of data and structuring the processing. Well for bonus points we are going to make something fancy, a Chain. A Chain is nothing more than the series of steps that starts with one action and the result of that action will be the input for the next action and so on all the way till the end. Let us make one.


As I stand in a hot grimey late afternoon sun waiting for a delayed train I am suddenly wondering what it is people see when they look at me. What is it that they perceive with their frames of reference.


I am not happy with Kubernetes. No, that is too soft but hating Kubernetes is too strong. It is one below hate. I dislike working with it and I advise others to take caution in wanting to use it.


No I have not caved and suddenly love Kubernetes. Also this is probably the best topic so far that has given me so many things to write about so I hope you will allow me to milk it a little more.


This is a brief post on a phenomenon that is easy to detect but hard to combat and even harder to eradicate. The following happens more often than not, sadly. So you are in a discussion with a colleague on what kind of tech to use and it actually got started by the other colleague saying we should use this technology. We shall call the technology Starlit Snowflakes. I hope you learned by now the first and only relevant question to ask that needs a satisfying answer is of course:


So there are moments in your career where you face a choice: to go or to not go nuclear.

What does it mean to go nuclear though?


This first part will deal with setting up the problem and the first initial code.


The problem to solve is to find the first x amount of Narcissistic Numbers . What they are is easy to explain. The process by which to identify if a number is narcissistic is by following these steps: