The attractiveness of Kubernetes

No I have not caved and suddenly love Kubernetes. Also this is probably the best topic so far that has given me so many things to write about so I hope you will allow me to milk it a little more.

I read about the so called IKEA effect. This effect describes the cognitive bias that people have to disproportionately value the work/products higher when some parts of it are assembled by themselves. Meaning any challenge will add to this effect making you skew the actual worth of something because you put effort into it.

I can liken one more thing to it and that is like IKEA the things come with bad instructions and soon you are picture 5 and it states that you should get the plank with the three holes and there is not plank with three holes. Don't say there is, because there obviously is not. Until you think back to the moment where you asked yourself where would that extra hole be for? Only that was already a while ago.... So you start over. Again.

That last part is what defines Kubernetes for me. Also someone else tweeted it as well which sparked all this from me.

#devops #devlife #thoughts