
Making code ninjas out of everyone

So we all know planes are not a good idea. Before you know it you have Samuel L. Jackson shouting in your ear.

So maybe we need a few new ideas.


This post is about a thin line between a helpful utility and full on magic show.


This post will have a lot of code and Java at that, so warning has been given. I happened on this little gem in the Java standard library that allows you to make a nice asynchronous model of execution with some guidance. Only the thing missing from the documentation of the Java standard library, in contrast to the one provided by Python, are examples on how to use this one. There is an example on the main page of the package. So this is my attempt at creating the implementation of these interfaces and hooking them up together based on the wordings in the documentation.


There was a time where the system of skill transferring was such that you would start out as an apprentice to learn the skill imposed upon you. You would be an apprentice to a master and through watching and consuming the information you would slowly learn the basics and the fundamentals and progress to more and more advanced stages until you are self a master taking on an apprentice.


There are two ways of writing in general; one with lots of emotion and invoking of feelings, one without those qualities.


It seems to me that, looking at the current situation that the world is in, a build up of positive energy can be wiped clean with a little bit of negativity. In general it costs energy to be positive, to create, to persevere, to be successful. It also seems that the build up of having a couple of good days followed by a neutral day with one small insignificant moment that was rooted in the negative plane can have a much bigger impact regardless of whatever happened before.


There are a couple of places I can always go to to recharge my batteries, like MopGarden, Taudriel and Day9. These places are where I can go, say I had a rough week and immediately have a good community to just lift you up. I am also there in times of being okay and help lift others in their time of need.


I was watching a podcast on the Joe Rogan Experience the other day featuring Elon Musk. He had an interesting point in which he said it is not so much about computer viruses today as it is something that can infect the mind.


There is a new kind of Operating System slash running system rooted in privacy and ownership. You own the data to an extent, you own the access and you own your own piece of the universe that is Urbit.


The new Web 3.0 is based on the idea that everything has to be decentralised. This means that each individual holds the data so that no one is in control which makes the information on the whole and also data in general much more resilient. It is not that a body of people will hold bits of information and you need each to reassemble the original package, that would mean it is more fragile as you need more and more entities to participate. Anyone of them drops out for some reason and you have corrupted your data.