
I don't mean the security practice of using a hashing function to rehash content. I want to talk about the other meaning of the word. When some message gets repeated over and over again over time using slightly different wording to deliver it each retelling.


I scour the usual allotment of tech sites to get my news but most of them are aggregates of other news sites and so I get a good spread of total offerings across different communities. A lot of these articles I see are reiterating the same messages over and over again. However to me it feels and seems like they all write it in a way to claim as if they had the epiphany or truth and are evangelizing this over the Web to anyone who will be swayed into becoming a convert. It comes across as being the gospel of coding, it also contains many of the same sane common sense things to do like; write readable code, write tests, apply structure to your code, don't use these anti-patterns, use these patterns instead, don't write complex stuff, use the right tool for the right job.


It becomes quite difficult to find the real gems of newsworthy articles and items that enrich your life through these murky swamp waters of mediocre quackery with its weedlike properties. Another point of view I considered is to not read these texts as a sermon written by a priestly coder delivering it to its flock of junior syntactically correct software writers but take the approach of a more task force engineered team of anonymous writers that assume the form of hip young internet journalists that want to staple out the tenets of software engineering. Then it would be a good thing, if we don't hold this to be gospel but tenets of coding then we can standardise our code across codebases but there comes a problem and that is it will be yet another standard that won't be used.

Better sell it as a gospel then as we can learn from the past and the best marketing ever that came from religion as it is still here. Preach, preach away my brothers and sisters. We conclude by saying we shall never harm the bytes we write, so sayeth He. Amen.

#devlife #thoughts