Force of nature

There seems to exist a force that creates, shapes, imagines and executes ideas. This creative force or force of creativity can seem to be very innocent, frolicking and playfully suggesting magnificent new heights to take your thoughts soaring out over the mediocrity that through osmosis fills your everyday existence.

However when turned inwardly it seems it has another much more malevolent and insidious nature as it tears your very fabric apart and turns your self-worth into crumbling dust.

This force of creativity seems very fickle indeed, like most natural forces. It is relentless, without morals, all powerful and all consuming.

For me it seems if I do not keep that force in check through reading, in which I can use it to take me wherever the story takes me and experience the story as close as I can get to Virtual Reality, it will consume me slowly and make my thoughts dark and very self-destructing. All to the point of becoming paranoid, distrusting and ultimately stuck inside a self made prison made out of fog, a grey sun and no air.

Now when I keep the force contained and regulated and focused it can turn me into the person that feels the need he has to write the following article.

#devlife #thoughts