
Making code ninjas out of everyone

I hate it when people say this. Or even worse, what politicians do. What I think so-and-so means, is this. Then proceed to build a case based on that assumption.


This is a short post about someone that should be studied in school as part of the curriculum. Well spoken, humble, intelligent and possessing a character that is virtuous, valorous and admirable. No need to state that he is an inspiration to me and I learned a lot from him in a short time. His name is Rodney Mullen. He is a skateboarder among many things. One trait he has plenty of and one he shares with many other skateboarders, is perseverance.


We all know scope creep. The fact that we always build more and more features just to get new stuff in. This excruciatingly painful marketing trend of just wanting to have something that is new otherwise you are stale and stagnant.


So recently I had the opportunity to make a proof of concept (PoC) in the Go language to share with some fellow developers. They are mostly Java developers and therefore I decided to make the PoC a MVC style REST API that returns JSON with a single Entity for now.


Shadows whispering Dark thoughts slithering Into hidden recesses Of the subconscious Planes of inaccessible Existence


So this post touches on some Python concepts in async/await territory. I will not cover event loops nor how to interact with them, but something I uncovered/unearthed in a quest to make something work that was synchronous only. I will use the word async which itself is a shortening of the word asynchronous.


This is in reaction to an article and a tweet.


This post is about why you want immutable objects and how to achieve that in various ways. I specify the language as Java this time because I want to showcase the Quarkus framework. This pattern can be used in any language and framework combination using the tools available in that language of course.


To be honest I have no idea what you can do with the following pattern and if it is good at all. It just a thought I had and it felt like there was something there, so I decided to write it down. Hopefully you can use the following pattern for something.


Back in the day of mainframes and the like, there was a need for a technician that did maintenance on the computers in question. Just like you have need for mechanics that do the maintenance and the fixing of your automobiles. This grew out into a full time position called system administrator or sysadmin. So then came the containerised era and the whole DevOps movement.